Guess what?
I got it.
I opened it at 5:00pm on Wednesday October 5 2011.
I got it.
I opened it at 5:00pm on Wednesday October 5 2011.
I got out of my ASL class at 4:00 and walked home nervous and excited. I can't describe the way I felt as I walked up to the mailbox. All I could think about was how if that envelope was in that mailbox I would finally know where I was going to spend a year and a half of my life preaching the gospel. I slowly opened the mailbox and there it was. I snatched it right up and ran to my door. My roommate, Erica Hawkins, was sitting on the couch and when I burst through the door and she saw the envelope in my hand we both started screaming with excitement. Then of course I started crying. I am such a cry baby! I immediately called my family members and told them I was going to open it in an hour. My family in California all got on skype and a bunch of my friends came over for the grand opening!
Dear Sister Gallacher:
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the:
You should report to the Provo MTC on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.
You will prepare to teach the gospel in the Latvian Language.
When I opened my call and read the Baltic Mission I didn't know what that even meant. I had never heard of that mission. I only realized where I was going when I read that I would be speaking Latvian. I know where Latvia is! haha. I was even more excited when I found out that the Baltic mission covers Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania! It also says that my language assignment may be modified according to my mission presidents needs so basically I could learn Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, or Russian while on the mission! I hope I get to learn more than one language. I would love that.

Well the moment I have waited for for 20 and a half years has finally come and gone. I have always wanted to serve a mission and I finally know where I will be serving.
I won't deny that at first I was so incredibly scared. I had voiced to my mom earlier that the only place I was afraid to go was Russia and let's face it, the Baltic states are basically Russia. They just gained independence in 1991 or so. But as I thought and pondered about it my mind has totally been changed. OF COURSE I'm going to the Baltics! It is perfect! I couldn't think of another place I'd want to go.
It's a weird thing and I don't know if someone would understand unless they got a mission call of their own. I have never been to the Baltic states. I don't even know what they look like, but I am already so inlove with everything about them. My heart is overflowing with love for the people. I can't wait to meet them. I can't wait to serve them. I can't wait to love them. I can't wait to teach the gospel to them. I can't wait to bring them the happiness I have from the knowledge of my Heavenly Father's love. I know that I was called there by inspiration. I am SO excited! I can picture the people in my head and I am so anxious to go and find them, serve them, and love them. I can't even imagine not going to the Baltic states. I know there are people there that I promised I would find and bring the gospel to. It seems impossible to love people you don't know anything about, but I can promise that you can. I do. I love my future friends.

Family! Love skype!
Dear Sister Gallacher:
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the:
You should report to the Provo MTC on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.
You will prepare to teach the gospel in the Latvian Language.
When I opened my call and read the Baltic Mission I didn't know what that even meant. I had never heard of that mission. I only realized where I was going when I read that I would be speaking Latvian. I know where Latvia is! haha. I was even more excited when I found out that the Baltic mission covers Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania! It also says that my language assignment may be modified according to my mission presidents needs so basically I could learn Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, or Russian while on the mission! I hope I get to learn more than one language. I would love that.

Well the moment I have waited for for 20 and a half years has finally come and gone. I have always wanted to serve a mission and I finally know where I will be serving.
I won't deny that at first I was so incredibly scared. I had voiced to my mom earlier that the only place I was afraid to go was Russia and let's face it, the Baltic states are basically Russia. They just gained independence in 1991 or so. But as I thought and pondered about it my mind has totally been changed. OF COURSE I'm going to the Baltics! It is perfect! I couldn't think of another place I'd want to go.
It's a weird thing and I don't know if someone would understand unless they got a mission call of their own. I have never been to the Baltic states. I don't even know what they look like, but I am already so inlove with everything about them. My heart is overflowing with love for the people. I can't wait to meet them. I can't wait to serve them. I can't wait to love them. I can't wait to teach the gospel to them. I can't wait to bring them the happiness I have from the knowledge of my Heavenly Father's love. I know that I was called there by inspiration. I am SO excited! I can picture the people in my head and I am so anxious to go and find them, serve them, and love them. I can't even imagine not going to the Baltic states. I know there are people there that I promised I would find and bring the gospel to. It seems impossible to love people you don't know anything about, but I can promise that you can. I do. I love my future friends.
Family! Love skype!
Congrats girl! I heard you already talked to my old roommate, suzanne about it cause she served there. She loved it and you will yoo! You'll be an awesome missionary!