Well, here I am folks. To start off, I am going to explain how this blog came to be. I am in a business writing class (M COM320) this semester at Brigham Young University and for one of our weekly homework assignments we have to write in a blog. I already have a couple blogs, such as my personal journal and my travel blog, but I decided I wanted to try something new. Our assignment is to write in a blog once a week about whatever we want. I thought about what topics I might want to write about when this idea popped in my head and now this HW assignment is going to be so much more fun than any I've had before. I am going to take this opportunity to do one thing a week that I have never done before and then write about it. I will write down my experiences whether they be a weekend trip to a state I've never been or to bake homemade bread for the first time. Maybe I'll even give tutorials on some of my projects. Here I go, world.
This will be my new adventures journal....The 1-a-week adventures of Maddie.
Starting NOW I will begin this new endeavor and I can't wait to share it with you all.
Can't wait to read them! Very Fun!!