Well, It's been fun kids.
Thanks for the adventures.
This is my last week with my one-a-week adventures blog. Well at least it's my last week to write in this blog for my class. I may or may not keep writing in this blog after I get home from school. I have about 2 months at home before I leave for my mission so maybe keeping this blog up will keep me busy. On top of all the studying I'm going to do of course. I need to brush up on my scriptures and Preach my Gospel knowledge. I feel so unprepared so Thank GOODNESS I have some time to really study and prepare before I head out for the MTC in February. I am so excited. My mission has consumed my life and I'm not even serving yet. Well I have enjoyed seeking out adventures this semester and I had a blast every week. Thank you MCOM 320!
My professor asked if we would blog on what we thought about the class. I have no problem with this because I loved the class! It is seriously one of the most useful classes I have taken at BYU. Even during the stressful projects and papers I was still grateful I was taking it. I learned so much and feel so much more prepared to enter the work field. I feel so much more confident with writing, being interviewed, grammar, networking, and so much more. Thank you MCOM 320 and Thank you Professor Thomas!
I created a little survey for the class and what others think about it. Here is the link and some stats.
25 responses
Summary See complete responses Have you heard of MCOM 320? |
| |
Would you ever take MCOM 320? |
| |
How interested are you in taking this class? |
| not at all interested |
| 11 | 44% | kind of interested |
| 6 | 24% | interested |
| 1 | 4% | very interested |
| 6 | 24% | I am taking it in the future |
| 1 | 4% |
Would you take this class as a GE, only if you had to for your major, to gain experience or for fun? |
| Only if my major required it |
| 14 | 56% | For fun |
| 2 | 8% | To fulfill my advanced writing GE |
| 11 | 44% | To gain experience |
| 9 | 36% |
People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%. |
If you have taken this class would you recommend it? |
| I recommend not taking it. |
| 10 | 40% | The class was alright. Take it if you want. |
| 4 | 16% | I recommend taking this class. |
| 2 | 8% | I highly recommend taking this class. It is very useful. |
| 9 | 36% |
Number of daily responses |
| |